About REAP
What’s on at REAP May 2024 – Aug 2024
Housing Info / ‘Get Ready to find your own Room’
Asylum Seekers’ Action Pack for asylum seekers and new refugees – Actions to try to prepare yourself and avoid a housing crisis when you get a decision, or if you need to find somewhere to stay urgently.
Updated, now V5 please email from Trinity and REAP sarah@reap.org.uk
(Please note, REAP is are gathering information from our partners who have expertise, as REAP is not a housing charity. We do not have accommodation.)
ENGLISH GROUPS Every Thursday English Groups: Every Thursday, english@reap.org.uk or Whatsapp /ring / text 07983 419388
All welcome, free, register any Thursday at 9.45 to join the group from 10am Yiewsley West Drayton Methodist Halls UB7 8EY.
More details below
Thurs 23rd May 12.30 Community Lunch UB7 please send Whatsapp 07983 419833 
Next : September 2024 English Leaders, teachers, volunteers Zoom network meeting for WLondon. English@reap.org.uk
Next : July 2024 TBC 9.30 – 11.00 AS&Refugee Access to Mental Health in London – Network quarterly zoom sarah@reap.org.uk for link.
Also see our report What Needs to Happen – Asylum Seekers’ access to mental health support (June 2022)
May 17th 2024 Supporting asylum seekers to prepare to find their own housing / employment Joint meeting with RCAN Follow up Info-sharing Call/Teams sarah@reap.org.uk
Starts May 13th. Latest date to book is May 9th
Introduction to Community Interpreting
Information and “Taster” session 9.15 – 12.00
Full ‘core’ course (4 workshops/4 weeks) 9.15 – 1.00 x 4workshops
Free for Asylum Seekers, small charge for others
Please email interpreting@reap.org.uk
‘Gateway‘ English groups Thursday mornings, in Yiewsley West Drayton UB7, Free, All welcome but please ring, text or WhatsApp 07983 419388 to ask if we have places.
‘English Seed Groups‘ For training volunteers to lead ‘English Seed Groups’ please email English@reap.org.uk
English Seed Groups PACK. Also please email us if you want a copy of our pilot “SEED PACK” (Free) designed for quick and easy use by people who have even just basic English, so they can help a small group of friends and contacts practice practical, daily English and gain confidence to speak more English.
English groups by other organisations: Community groups list. We will put up new information about community English groups when we have news but in the meantime please contact ELATT, Action West London and ESOL at Uxbridge College and Hillingdon Adult Learning directly for English courses in West London.
Ongoing: Community research ‘Speakers Project’ into the experiences of people who don’t speak English (Sarah@reap.org.uk), Reports from earlier work are on this website. This is an ongoing area of work for REAP, look out for news and lessons learned. ‘Speakers’ Reports on people’s experiences of ‘Interpreting and Access to GPs‘ and ‘Access to Formal ESOL‘: final reports from REAP’s 2019 GLA-funded ‘Speakers and Connectors’ Project. About the ‘Speakers and Connectors’ project – how it worked.
REAP Privacy Notice
Introduction to Community Interpreting
Community Interpreters – voluntary and professional/paid; Pathways into Interpreting – Interpreting Organisations’ network; 4 workshop Introduction to Community Interpreters training (next course October). Free for asylum-seekers, £30 or £15 if on Benefits/Pension. interpreting@reap.org.uk
Interpreters and Connectors:
Do you need a L3 qualified DBS-checked Community Interpreter (Spoken work only) in Dari, Farsi, Arabic, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, Tamil, Bangla, Polish or another language? (Wage and booking fee payable.)
Can a new or trainee/voluntary community interpreter help you in the right situation, where they can also get experience? (Expenses and a reduced booking fee may be payable.)
Would your work be facilitated by experienced involving bi-lingual ‘Connectors’ for community outreach in several languages, surveys, community research, information sessions etc.?
Training and preparing for ‘Connecting’ work? See ‘EQUIP Yourself’ below.
Details and rates including volunteer options Community Interpreting at REAP or email Interpreting@REAP.org.uk
A half day “Taste of Community Interpreting” – are you interested in becoming an interpreter? A half day session where you can learn more, try out some methods and learn about taking the next step. Free. For Next date email interpreting@reap.org.uk for more information.
Earlier events and activities
Wed 13th July: REAP’s Networking Conference REFUGEES’ VOICES MATTER:
It was a delight to welcome over 100 people to our ‘Annual’ Conference this year on Wednesday 13th July, in Hayes
Workshop Information
Theme : Talking to people – being heard in London: Voices & Communication
- AM1 Refugees’ Voices 1 What we Know – Speaking and Being Heard
- AM2 Language is one of my strengths – Engaging, interpreting, communication.
- PM3 Refugees’ Voices 2 – Taking opportunities to speak up and speak out for influence on policy and practice
Theme : About those times when I don’t feel good: Health, Mental Health and Emotional health
- AM1 This is what makes us feel bad.
- AM2 Where we go to look for help with our mental health and wellbeing (“What Needs to Happen”)
- PM3 What makes me feel better
Theme : Shared experiences, diverse lives, different people: Diversity and identity
- AM1 Supporting single ethnic groups; or ‘Refugees in all their diversity’?
- AM2 Space for identity-based peer groups and support workers to talk in small groups
-Afghans and Afghan support workers
-Hong Kong new arrivals
-Others will be set up on the day to match participants’ interests.
- PM3 Pilot workshop: Ways to reach out and engage with people arriving from Hong Kong in 2022 – 2023 A trauma informed approach when supporting new HK arrivals With Thrive London
Theme : Good support in difficult times – turning adverse experiences into “proverse” experiences.
- AM1 Dignity and physical needs (food, clothes) TBC
- AM2 As Theme 3
- PM3 Making services equitable, engaged, and empowering
Other earlier events and activities
15th June: Improving Mental Health support for AS&R: next zoom Wed 15th June. If you are interested in the ‘What needs to Happen Next? (June 2022)‘ report or our work to network VCS and NHS and others to improve mental health support for asylum seekers in hotels email sarah@reap.org.uk
21st June: ‘Representing REAP‘ training workshop for REAP Members 21st June rachaporn@reap.org.uk
22nd, 24th, 28th June plus workshop 26th July: A Community of Support for Hong Kong arrivals: We are pleased to be involved with Thrive and GLA to design and prepare resources and workshops for VCS and other organisations in London to increase support for people arriving from Hong Kong. Email sarah@reap.org.uk
Overview Discussion about what will be most useful 10th June, 2022
Focus on what Language/ESOL organisations might need 22nd June,
Focus on Health and Mental Health organisations might need 24th June
RCOs, refugee support organisations, advice, family support and others 28th JuneOngoing: Thursdays: English groups and volunteers: We have re-started face to face activities for English (English@reap.org.uk). Training volunteers to lead ‘English Seed Groups’ for practicing speaking English, using our English Seed Pack (English@reap.org.uk).
Making Refuge Real : REAP’s Annual Refugee Networking Conference
July 4th 2019, Thursday in West London and REAP AGM, Further details
‘Making Refuge Real‘ built on themes from the earlier conferences: ‘Building New Lives – Refugees in West London’ 2018 and ‘What is “Refuge”?’ 2017 and also on the series of ‘Refugees : Home and Homelessness’ meetings in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
*Workshops themes were based on REAP’s priority action campaigns, as we try to get refugees’ voices heard in practical, practice and policy making to improve services and support for refugee across West London and further:
Refugees for Equality: Defending people’s right to meaningful refuge. 2019 GP registration.
Access to English: ‘Speakers’, Using English with confidence. Diverse Pathways – something for everyone.
NHS use of interpreters: Understanding lived experiences; Awareness and standards in commissioning and delivery – testing lessons from community research
Young refugees and their mental health and wellbeing: Children and Young People’s organisations expand their expertise to support young refugees.
Refugees at Home: Homelessness, housing – belonging and wellbeing in London. Building holistic support networks. 2019 Get Settled Status! – Brexit and EU Refugees
July 1st 2019 Summer Picnic, Yiewsley Home Group welcomes you to join them with friends and family for a relaxing lunch in the sun (bring an umbrella – picnic goes ahead whatever the weather!) UB7
March 20th, 2019 Yiewsley Home Group “Communicate with Confidence with formal organisations” a workshop for:
=Building your own skills and confidence so you have better communications with staff in formal organisation;
=Dealing with anxiety about talking to staff;
=Feeling positive and able to improve things for yourself and your neighbours and friends
“Feel Empowered, Confident And ‘At Home’ In Yiewsley”
1st April 2019 The BIG morning of learning ENGLISH All morning 9.30 to 1.30
April 1st 2019, The Yiewsley Home Group invites everyone to a Community Lunch, at Yiewsley Methodist Halls – Upstairs (next to Wilkos) Yiewsley UB7 8ES 11.30 – 1.30 (funded by The People’s Health Trust). Please ring 01895 441530. This is a relaxed sociable lunch to welcome and meet people who live in Yiewsley and West Drayton and around the area, or who have moved here in recent years.
March 2019 (four days) – by Voluntary Action Harrow Introductory Training for Community Interpreters
Jan 30th 2019 Networking Event – Refugees, Home, Homelessness, Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Afternoon: Extended Campaign workshops
Jan 24th 2019 Yiewsley Home Group strategy and sustainability – partnership with REAP Joint Steering Group meeting.
Dec 2018 and Feb 2019 “Working with Asylum-Seekers and Refugees”
Introductory workshop for professionals who work in other fields
Next date to be confirmed, please email sarah@reap.org.uk for details
An interactive workshop for professionals who work in other fields (eg. Primary school staff, Job Coaches, Housing, Health and Social Workers, Volunteers and Community Workers)Oct 4th REAP Extraordinary General Meeting 3pm Email sarah@reap.org.uk
Oct 4th REAP 2018 What Next for REAP? 2019 – 2022:
Oct 4th REAP 2018 Evening Meal with invited Friends and Guests
July 4th 2018, REAP’s Annual Refugee Networking Conference in West London and AGM, ‘Building New Lives – Refugees in West London’
Feb 22nd 2018 Workshop on Refugee Children and Young People
REAP supporting Refugee Council, Central London. ezechias.ngendahayo@refugeecouncil.org.uk
Jan 24th, 2018, Refugees – Home, Homelessness Destitution and Survival
REAP and HEAR Collaboration – continuing the discussion and networking,
Please email Sarah@reap.org.uk to join the mailing list for future home and homelessness-related work and events.
Materials can be found in our Resources section.
Thanks to City Bridge, Trust for London for supporting HEAR’s work
Thanks to St Martin’s Frontline Workers Network for supporting this event
– Language and Interpreting
– Mental and Emotional Health and Refugee Access
– Home, Homelessness, Destitution and Survival
Earlier Annual Conferences
2018 Building New Lives – Refugees in West London
2017 ‘What is “Refuge”? More than a stamp in a passport’
2016 Are We Prepared for Refugees in West London? A Networking Conference
2015 Opening Doors: Communication, Refugees and Language
2014 Refugee Languages, English and Interpreting
2013 Equality for Refugees – Protect the Right to Refuge:Equality for All – Prevent the Need for Refuge
2012 Small Groups – Views from Inside, Views from Outside
2011 Becoming British:
2010 Beyond Refuge
2009 Allowed to Remain!… but Allowed to Belong?
2008 Refugees and Multiple Inequalities;
2007 REAP Day of Debates
Refugee Council plus REAP Workshop for Refugee Organisations in London Living with Mental Health: Refugee Equality and Access to Services
Refugee Women and Girls, Workshop for International Women’s Day
with HEAR Refugees – Home, Homelessness and Survival – Networking and Knowledge
hosted by HEAR, Support for Deaf Refugees ‘What REAP has Learned so Far…’ to be published on website soon
with HEAR Disabled Refugees: Equality Rights and Health & Social Care Entitlements,
Engaging and Communicating with Refugee and Migrant Families Training
with HEAR Disabled and in Exile – Being Excluded Twice For write up See HEAREquality.org.uk .
REAP Recommended Resources
Mapping and Directory: Support for Refugee Children & Young People in London
2016 Briefing from HEAR: Asylum-Seeker and Refugee Entitlements to Health and Social Care, and Disabled Refugees’ Rights/Access to Transport/Freedom Pass
2016 Pragmatic Definitions and Entitlements (updated);
2015 HEAR Impact of Funders on Equality Work in London;
2014 Briefing on Refugee Equality and the Equality Act (with Refugee Council);
2013 No Such thing as ‘Other People’, with CCJ;
2013 Supporting MRCOs Supporting LGBT Refugees, with Esmee Fairbairn;
2012 ‘There is Nothing you Can’t Say’, with MRN;
2011 The Equality Act 2010 : A briefing for refugee and migrant community organisations, with EDF;
2010 ‘One Plus One: supporting frontline organisations to work effectively with refugees’, with National Equality Partnership.
What is REAP?
Refugees in Effective and Active Partnership (REAP) (Charity 1103345) is an independent, refugee-led organisation in West London that aims to empower refugees and asylum-seekers to live as valuable and valued members of British society. We believe that it is essential to protect the right to refuge so people can escape danger and suffering caused by persecution, and that one implication of giving refuge is that there must also be reasonable level of effective and equitable support for people as they recover and rebuild.
We work towards our aim through practical activities and engagement; communications, training and networking across the voluntary and community sectors (VCS), and policy-oriented activities in partnership with others including building constructive exchange between VCS and statutory bodies relating to knowledge and support for refugees. We seek to enhance the voices and build the capability of those individuals who have sought refuge in the UK, and their communities; by promoting equality and equitable treatment for refugees in all their diversity; by facilitating organisations and individual activists and professionals that support refugees to rebuild their lives.
Current Services/Projects
Interpreting @ REAP – a non-profit service providing trained, local Community Interpreters
Community Interpreters’ & Parent Interpreters’ training and Service
Grass Roots English Groups and training/supporting voluntary group leaders, materials for groups
Connector training and activities
Refugees for Equality: Eg. ‘Refugees, Equality and Public Sector Duties’
Training, Networking, Publications and Resources: Eg.‘Working with Asylum-Seekers and Refugees’ (for professionals);