Afghan arrivals

If you are looking for ways to support Afghans at this crisis time:

Write to your MP and ask them what they can do to make sure Afghans have safe routes to places of refuge, including into the UK.

If you need goods or want to donate items (clothes, bedding, children’s items etc.), we regret but REAP cannot handle donations of goods but in West London the following organisations have systems set up to collect, store and distribute goods. Please contact them first.

Salvation Army in individual boroughs (‘Shop’ in UB3, Coldharbour Lane)
Phones4Them (recycle good quality used phones and chargers)
Care4Calais (national)
West London Welcome
Bell Farm (UB7) RING or EMAIL first
Hillsong Church, London
Food banks – food / toiletries. Hillingdon Food Bank

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